Hook List

What are hooks?

Hooks in WordPress essentially allow you to manipulate code without editing core files. They are used extensively throughout WordPress and WooCommerce and are very useful for developers.

Hooks are provided by WordPress and WooCommerce to allow your plugin or theme to ‘hook into’ the code; that is, to call functions in your plugin at specific times, and thereby set your plugin in motion.

There are two types of hook: actions and filters.

1. Actions: Actions are the hooks that the WordPress core launches at specific points during execution, or when specific events occur.

2. Filters: Filters are the hooks that WordPress launches to modify text of various types before adding it to the database or sending it to the browser screen.

For a more in depth introduction to Hooks and Filters see:


In this theme we have provided some filters template hooks and list are given below:

Hook Files
zotilz_before_topbar header.php
zotilz_after_topbar header.php
zotilz_before_nav header.php
zotilz_after_nav header.php
zotilz_before_footer footer.php
zotilz_after_footer footer.php
zotilz_before_content index.php, page.php, search.php, single.php, full-width.php, two-column-right-sidebar.php, two-column-left-sidebar.php
zotilz_after_content index.php, page.php, search.php, single.php, full-width.php, two-column-right-sidebar.php, two-column-left-sidebar.php
zotilz_before_pagination index.php
zotilz_page_before_entry_content page.php, full-width.php, two-column-right-sidebar.php, two-column-left-sidebar.php
zotilz_page_before_comments page.php, full-width.php, two-column-right-sidebar.php, two-column-left-sidebar.php
zotilz_page_after_comments page.php, full-width.php, two-column-right-sidebar.php, two-column-left-sidebar.php
zotilz_before_searchform searchform.php
zotilz_searchform_top searchform.php
zotilz_searchform_before_search_button searchform.php
zotilz_searchform_after_search_button searchform.php
zotilz_searchform_after_search_button searchform.php
zotilz_before_sidebar sidebar.php
zotilz_after_sidebar sidebar.php
zotilz_post_before_entry_content single.php
zotilz_post_before_comments single.php
zotilz_post_after_comments single.php